Spring Fashion

While I am not your typical OOTD kind of girl, I do consider myself a fashionista.  Though the calendar says that it is Spring, even if it doesn’t feel like it, you should be ready to rock your spring finds and prepare for summer since it is just around the corner.  I am trying my best to stop gravitating toward black, my go to color, and this year I definitely plan to experiment with color as well as print.  Here are a few observations I have made about Spring and Summer fashion trends.

Skin Is In

If you are shy about shoulder, leg or cleavage, then you are going to be left behind.  There are more dresses with splits, distressed jeans, strapless tops and dresses and off the shoulder items than I have seen in a long time. Fashion is becoming more daring and I am definitely here for all of it.  Just check out your latest stores and designers and you will see skin, skin and more skin.

Affordable Fashion

When stars promote stores such as Fashion Nova, and show you that you can be cute, trendy and not broke.  Thanks to stars like Cardi B.  who show us that your don’t have to go broke to look fabulous.  Other stores like Forever 21, JCPenney and GS Love also show us that Plus Size and Curvy girls can look cute and still have some coins left over.  None of the items in this post is over $50.00.

Tribal Prints

While this has been a trend for a few years now, it is not going away.  Especially with all of the stunning prints we witnessed in Black Panther, tribal prints will be around a little longer.  Not just for skirts and headwraps anymore, look for them on jackets, tops and pants.  They are everywhere.


Another trend that is not going away soon.  I have never really been a fan of florals, however I have found myself with several floral pieces in my wardrobe thanks to the modern and trendy way florals have been showing up lately.  From skirts and tops to swimsuits and dresses, the new modern floral is definitely a trend that I can embrace.


Not just for the military anymore, camo is everywhere.  The great thing about camo is that it can be worn as a neutral, so you can mix and match it with any color.  One great thing about the new trendy camo is that you can find it in dresses, jackets, pants, and tops.  Another great thing is that it is styled to fit.


They are all over the place.  And not just the denim overalls.  There are cute trendy jumpsuits available for all shapes and sizes.  They are available in solids, prints and patterns.  The options are endless.  To me a jumpsuit is a great way to go from work to play with the use of a jacket or sweater, and they can be worn with heels, flats or tennis shoes.  No matter how you style them, jumpsuits are a great on trend item.  (see the two in the floral section).

No matter where you may find yourself on the fashion scale or what your budget may be there is something out there for you.  Whether, floral or tribal, skin exposed or more covered, fashion is always your best accessory.  No matter the season or reason in most cases when you look good you feel good.  So here is to looking good and here’s to find trends that you love at prices you can afford.


Be Blessed, Be Fabulous!


Best Shopping Season

afterxmas saleThis is my favorite time of the year for Christmas shopping.  I know, I know, Christmas was a few days ago, but hear me out.  This is the time of year where things are so deeply discounted that you can stock up for all of your 2018 birthdays, celebrations and yes Christmas.  Most of your stores are trying to get rid of not only their Christmas inventory but their winter inventory as well.  So why not stock up now and save money on your 2018 Christmas budget.

Stores like Bath and Body Works and the Body Shop are my favorites.  The Body Shop has a seasonal scent, cranberry that is only available during this time of the year and I stock up on this scent EVERY year.  Last year I purchased several gift sets valued at $45 for $5.  They made great gifts this year.  Also at Bath and Body the holiday scented lotions are normally marked down to less than $5 so why not stock up.  Lotions last a long time and you don’t have to worry about them getting watered down or not lasting through the year.

Also stores like Walgreens and Walmart have gift sets that are drastically reduced during this time of year.  I remember hosting an event during this time of year and being able to provide all of the participants with great gifts because of the reduced rates during this time of year.  This is a great opportunity to purchase gifts for everyone on your list.  This is also a great time to shop if you have birthdays coming early in the year, buy a great gift without breaking the bank.  I know personally my dad’s birthday is in January and I can normally find great valet sets or cologne sets for a fraction of what they normally cost.


This is also the best time of year to stock up on hats, scarves and gloves.  Most stores have these so deeply discounted that I purchase gloves in all colors and I purchase additional sets to give to local shelters or to people in need.  For those with kids, especially kids who always lose gloves, this is the perfect time to prepare for the rest of winter as well as next winter.  You can always find great sales on these items and if you live in a cold weather area like I do, hats, scarves and gloves are a necessity.

Additionally, this time of year is great for holiday decorations.  I love to switch up the color scheme on my trees each year (even though it has been awhile since I actually put up a tree).  This is the time where stores like Michael’s and Hobby Lobby discount their ornaments and other décor sometimes as much as 90%.  I have found some amazing deals on ornaments, tree skirts, baskets, wrapping paper and gift boxes.

christmas decor50off

Another tip.  Valentines Day is around the corner.  If you make gift bags for schools or friends or send care packages, holiday candy is holiday candy.  You can always use the chocolates and other items that go on sale right after Christmas for your Valentines day goody bags.  And since red is a popular color for both Christmas and Valentines Day you are in a position to win either way.  The key is to think outside of the box and to find items that are holiday neutral.

After my after holiday shopping is complete, I simply store all of the items in a box or tote and everything is on hand once the holiday season returns.  It is really that simple.  Shop with the people that you gift in mind and you can sit back and relax next December because your holiday shopping is complete.  The only things you may have to buy is for kids because of new toys and changing sizes.

Holidays are a great time to give and show those you care that you are thinking about them.  The truth of the matter is far too often people find themselves stressed after Christmas because those Christmas bills begin to roll in.  Why not save yourself some frustration and some money by preparing (yes a year in advance)  and get use the money you save to donate to a great cause or add to your savings or vacation fund.


I hope these tips helped you as much as they have helped me over the years.  I used to drive myself crazy attempting to shop for everyone and often ended up spending money I didn’t have.  Once I broke the habit of trying to please everyone and focused on how to get more for my money without going broke, I learned that it was quite easy to give great gives and not go broke attempting to do so.

Be Blessed!  Be Fabulous!
