Yep, you read the title correctly. STFU!

Recently I read a post that encouraged people to shut up. Of course after reflecting on the post I cannot find it to link it here. I will keep trying to find it and if and or when I do, I will share the link. The post startled me. Not because it was obnoxious or rude, but because there was so much truth to the post.

I have always been a talker, I was the child who had “talks too much” marked on her report card EVERY MARKING PERIOD, EVERY REPORT CARD. I was the one who would tell before the entire story had an ending. My grandmother often told me that my mouth would get me in trouble. What she actually said was, “That mouth of yours is going to get you in a world of trouble”. But I kept talking. I keep talking. My uncle used to say that it took him days to realized that I had cussed him out because of my extensive vocabulary and my use of words.

My mouth has assisted me in gaining a reputation of being bossy, opinionated, rude, direct and some other words I am certain were not said to my face and will not be repeated in my presence. The truth is that my mouth has saved me, and others at times. My mouth has been a voice for the scared and the voiceless. My voice has been a place of comfort for those that needed comforting, my voice has been an advocate for the underserved. I have used my voice to speak truth to power and the preach the gospel and to teach students. My voice has spoken at international conferences and empowerment events in several states. My voice has been heard in churches and on many virtual platforms. I have to say that I am a talking bad ass!

However, there are times when shutting up is the best option or the best advice. I am not sure of the psychological reason why I have felt the need to be vocal since I was a child. My mom used to tell me the “children are to be seen and not heard’, maybe that’s where silencing my voice started. Maybe being vocal was my middle finger to statements like that. As I age and mature, I am realizing that I don’t always need to say everything I’m thinking or what’s on my mind.

In certain situations I have learned that some things are better left unsaid. I am also learning that it is ok to let people be wrong about you. Those who want to know the truth or understand will seek it out. Some situations don’t require my help and there are times when I should just mind my own Black Business and STFU. The power of life and death lies in the tongue, you can speak life or death over your life or your situation and other situations so be careful.

I am now more intentional about what I say, who I say it too and how I say it. Even before reading the post about shutting up, I was working on curbing my tongue. Silence can golden and being quiet can promote peace. Be intentional about what you say and who you say it to and most importantly as mush as possible use your voice for good or STFU!

Be Blessed! Be Fabulous!

Queen Shonda creates Queen Charlotte

I recently watched Queen Charlotte. Another Shonda Rhimes hit. Great everything. And while I don’t want to spoil anything for those who haven’t seen it, if you are a fan of Shonda Rhimes work, watch Queen Charlotte.

While there is the typical BS you would gather from the monarchy, in true Shonda fashion, there are love stories, drama and quintessential plot twists that can only come from Shondaland. While there is some historical significance to the characters, Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz lived from 1744-1818. The most important thing to note about Queen Charlotte for me is that she was of African descent.

The story as told by Shonda Rhimes was a story true to the times: an arranged marriage of strangers, the struggle to get to know each other, the interference of those outside of the marriage that cared more about protecting power and prestige that about the people that were pawns in their plan.

The relationship between Charlotte and George evolves throughout the series with the occasional interference of the mother-in-law and the monarchy, they grow to learn and understand each other. I would say Charlotte more understanding George than vice versa. The fashion, the passion, the intrigue and the drama draw you in to the story even more. The plot twists, the character development and the music keep you coming back for more.

For music fans, if you listen carefully you will hear the music of some of the most famous contemporary artists with a classical twist. Trust me, just be sure to have your listening ears on throughout the series and you will not be disappointed. I have not watched the Bridgerton series and I am not sure if it was the prequel to Queen Charlotte but I do not feel like there were any missing pieces to the puzzle for me.

I will not go into any further detail than to say make sure you watch for yourself. The drama, the storytelling and the ancillary stories make for a great and entertaining series. I mean it is Shonda Rhimes the master storyteller of this generation. Once you finish the series let me know what you thought.

Be Blessed, Be Fabulous,