The Sky are Back

Friday May 26, I was able to attend the Chicago Sky home opener and the game did not disappoint. Well, they lost so that was a disappointment, but in true Sky fashion the game was full of nail biting moments and lead changes. This was the excitement that made me a fan and I can see even with new roster updates the team will continue to bring it.

The new team entrance was well thought out and a site to behold. The flame towers with the announcement of each player was a great addition, but they put out a lot of heat. A lot. The stadium was not as full as I expected but I guess that fans may want to see what the new roster is going to do before committed to being a season ticket holder or even going out to a game. I guess that is understandable but to me I am fan win, lose or indifferent. I am a Bears fan and who remembers when they last had a winning season.

The team looked great, you could tell that the players are still learning to work together and build rapport. That’s to be expected. They have been winning so something is working well. I think as the season progresses they will only get better. I am looking forward to a winning season and I will be enjoying and celebrating each win.

Be Blessed, Be Fabulous

Been So Long

I guess since Anita Baker (IYKYK) is going to be on tour this year, this title is appropriate. But it’s also true. It’s been so long. It seems like it has been forever since my last post. I have no real excuse as to why I have been MIA, just have. Life has been lifing but I am sure that everyone can say that.

Close up of glasses on blurry city background. Clean vision concept. 3D Rendering

I made it to 2023 with more clarity and more focus than I have had in some time and for that I am thankful and grateful. I am glad to be back and to be honest, its time that I got back to my roots. I started blogging as an outlet when working on my dissertation and from that point on it was carthartic for me and now, i find myself in a place when an outlet, such as this may be helpful.

I also think this is the time where I start to put myself out there more. I have written for several nationally published publications and I have also had the pleasure of being editor-in-chief of two online publications. Lately, I have the pleasure of being able to edit several books. So it’s not like I have not been busy, but most of the work done was for someone else. This blog is for me, and of course the readers and subscribers.

So I share all that to say, I’m back again. I have so much to share and so much on my mind. Let’s collectively make 2023 on of the best year’s yet!

Photo by Engin Akyurt on